Teflon Coating Services and Consulting
Experience in the processes of Teflon coating offers specialized service in applying all standard fluoropolymer products, including single and multi-coat systems.
Exact compliance with Teflon Coating Services, Chrome Oxide, Tungsten Carbide and Component Manufacturing for industrial, food-grade, aerospace and government specs.
coating selections
PEC, with over 40 years of experience in the processes of Teflon Coatings and fluoropolymer coatings, offers specialized service in applying all standard fluoropolymer products, including single and multi-coat systems. These products offer resistance to friction, corrosion, and abrasion of working surfaces. Variable cure temperatures allow safe processing in both hardened metals and other materials. Fluoropolymer coatings may also be applied in conjunction with common plating or other surface treatments in order to ensure the performance characteristics required in your application. We will provide the information-base you need to choose the best solution for your application from among our wide variety of coatings and processes. We now are offering a wide range of components and hardware for value and first-tier services.
- ISO Compliant
- Committed to providing solutions for industry
- Individual service to meet the needs of your applications
- Confidentiality assured
- Best Price and Service
- Plasma Coatings
- Flame Spray
- Twin Wire Arc
- Nuts and Bolt Coated and Plain