Imagine if you stacked two full-sized cars on each other, then made a mechanical press that pushed down. If you were putting Teflon beneath this whole situation, it would be the last thing to break.
That’s just one of the interesting things about Teflon. It’s an incredibly strong material.
Chances are, you had no clue that Teflon could resist up to 600 degrees, that it acts as a purifier for computer chips, or that it has more applications than most polymers out there.
Get ready to learn about the many uncommon Teflon uses and how it can apply to your life.
Let’s dive in!
What Is Teflon?
Teflon is a synthetic resin or polymer compound with high tensile strength and low chemical reactivity.
What makes it popular, beyond coating pots and pans, is its resistance.
It can withstand high temperatures and dangerous electrical currents, making it a useful material for the manufacturing world.
What other Teflon applications are there?
11. Semiconductors
A semiconductor is a substance or material with a conductivity between the range of a normal conductor (say metal) and an insulator (glass).
Semiconductors, like silicon computer chips, require some purities to raise their chemical and electrical resistance.
PTFE (Teflon) is used in the manufacturing of many semiconductors because of its ‘chemical inertness,’ or lack of chemical reactivity, and high resistance.
When you add Teflon to a semiconductor, the flow of electrons can stabilize.
10. Bearing Pads
Bearing pads are strong pads that support long horizontal structures from breaking away.
Teflon is a material that can take on high heats and heavy stress, making it an ideal option for bridge bearing pads.
Essentially, all movement between the large structure of the bridge and its supports must be regulated with a medium between both materials.
Teflon ensures that points of contact between the bridge superstructure and substructure are controlled.
9. Fiberglass
This material has been used in fiberglass for years to manage tension problems.
It has its benefits, such as:
- High tensile strength
- Longevity
- Moisture resistant
- UV resistant
- Doesn’t need to be cleaned
Teflon can also be made in huge batches, making it a useful resource in fiberglass installation in regular sized homes or large industrial facilities.
8. Anti-corrosive
Teflon has high corrosion and chemical resistance, so it’s a reliable material for containers that hold acids and destructive chemicals.
Why the high resistance?
This product has a simple structure made of carbon and fluorine. These two elements create an extremely low friction coefficient, along with a strong bond.
Teflon’s bond is not water soluble and doesn’t allow passage of chemicals through, thus making its high chemical resistance.
7. Nail Polish
Teflon can be used as a toughening agent in nail polish.
Because it’s both flexible and resistant to high temperatures, it prevents chipping nails better than most polymers.
6. UV Resistance
UV rays contribute to discoloration and physical wearing of plastics and other materials.
Teflon prevents weathering of outdoor equipment, glazes, and paint covers. Like many strong synthetic polymers, it has a slow decay rate.
This makes PTFE a proven counter to UV rays.
Due to its UV resistance, Teflon is often used in outdoor equipment left in the sun, glazes, wall paints, and marine docks.
5. Automotive industry
Most vehicles are coated with several layers of lubricants, paints, and thinners.
The Automotive Coatings Market is a 20+ billion dollar industry, making it an important field to optimize.
One way that vehicle manufacturers have done this is by introducing Teflon to outer layer coatings and lubricants.
Teflon is used as an internal lubricant as well. Most motor oils act as lubricants to keep a car running, and must not burn up easily.
PTFE is a resilient material that can be added in small amounts to vehicle lubricants and oils to prevent degradation.
4. Clothing
Teflon has great density, so it’s a viable option for high-impact clothing materials, such as:
- Boilersuits
- Leggings
- Shoes
- Belts
- Linings
Due to its resistance to extreme temperatures, this material has also been introduced to industrial wear and the fire departments gear.
Because Teflon is water-insoluble, it acts as a great water-resistant in clothing. Therefore, Teflon is used in water jackets, rain boots, and other waterproof clothing.
3. All Kinds of Hoses
Most hoses are at the risk of creating leaks and becoming kinked. Teflon is a flexible and high-density material that prevents both of these issues.
Many hoses that require high-pressure to operate or are used in situations where the temperature is very high use Teflon.
2. Armor Piercing Bullets
Of the options on this Teflon uses list, this seems to be the least common.
Teflon coated bullets were introduced in the 1960s as a way to create a bullet with a higher penetration rating.
Unlike traditional coatings, Teflon can allow bullets to stick to surfaces, and as a result, lower their deflection off of surfaces.
1. Furniture
Furniture sliders are a great Teflon application.
The plastic-like material lowers friction between two surfaces, making it a great solution to couch legs that scratch hardwood floors.
Teflon can also be used as stain resistant, so it’s a useful synthetic for cushions, blankets, and pillows.
Pick Teflon Uses That Make Your Life Easier
It’s easy to be blown away by the number of Teflon uses out there.
From clothing to computer chips, Teflon has made an impact on the world of manufacturing.
This material can make your finishes stronger and longer lasting, make your car coatings shine better and wear away slower, and add strength to common household appliances that keep breaking.
Are you ready to give it a try?
You should find a material that adapts to your needs. Explore the ways Teflon can further optimize your appliances and more!